Latest News

New Launch

Raksha Sunny Lake Greens, Saattal Road, Bhimtal(UK):
Recently Launched. Under Construction. Very Limited Inventory left.

Raksha Lake County, Naukuchiyatal(UK):
Construction of Tower H,I,J,K started . Very limited inventory left.

Raksha Paradise, Majkhali, Ranikhet(UK):
5 Villas possession given. Rest villas under construction. Very Limited inventory left.

Raksha Towers Victoria Sec-70 Gurgaon:
All towers OC recieved and possession given

Raksha Towers Micasa Sec-68 Gurgaon:
Sold Out and T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 OC recieved and Possession offered

Raksha Towers Sec-1, Gr. Noida West:
Sold Out and all towers Possession Offered

Raksha Addela, Sec-16C Gr Noida West:
Sold Out and All Towers Possession Given

Aims and Objectives

The Armed Forces Welfare Organization (AFWO) was founded with the express purpose of aiding and supporting India’s active and retired military personnel, as well as their families, in a variety of fields by offering them special opportunities and services to meet their needs and achieve high-quality growth in all areas of their life.

AFWO strives assiduously to fulfill the following goals and objectives:

1. To promote, during and after their term of service, the welfare and best interests of its members and their families in all matters likely to affect them.

2. To offer a wide range of services to its members in the areas of housing, education, career development, employment, investments, retirement assistance, and any other areas that are necessary for their well-being.

3. To offer all assistance and make all necessary arrangements—direct, indirect, or otherwise—to help society members and their families find housing, with the goal of raising their standard of living through a variety of society programs that will occasionally be introduced.